
A blog series on GWI’s transition to a worker self-directed nonprofit, moving from a traditional hierarchical structure to shared leadership.

A blog series on what Just Transition looks like in action, refracted through the living experience of people in our community.

A roundup of GWI news, including general announcements, reflections from our team, and links to resources.

A collection of posts and reflections on Rooted Resources – a festival and series that shines a light on localizing economic power to nurture solidarity, awareness, and action.

Articles and personal reflections from the GWI team as they navigate their lives and their shared work.

Welcome to our blog!

We invite you to dive into posts from GWI workers as well as invited contributors from our Network. We have a few blog series to offer you: in the Illumination series, you can learn about Just Transition-aligned initiatives and explore reflections from members of our community; or join us as we share the twists and turns of our journey from a traditional nonprofit to one in which we all share governance in Sharing Power; or catch up with our more personal reflections in Notes from the Field.

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By Hélène Lesterlin
By Hélène Lesterlin
Good Work Institute is thrilled to announce the culmination of a multi-year collaborative design process that tackled how to create a democratically-controlled community fund for the benefit of Kingston.
By Micah
In what I can only describe as a gift to the community, on Oct. 9th 2024, Dr. Resmaa Menakem & T. Mychael Rambo spoke at Rough Draft Bar & Books. Watch the video!
By Micah
I have had the good fortune of attending three carnivals in the past year and a half. They didn’t feature rides or attractions or non-stop action. There was no cotton candy, funnel cake, or coin toss...
By Susan Grove
The idea that we don’t learn well when our nervous systems are on alert and we don’t feel safe now seems like a truth I’ve always known, but it was a revelation when I first heard it.
By Micah
An hour could only cover so much, but what was offered was deep, personal and from a place that truly questions our relationship to all existence.
By Hélène Lesterlin
We are only a few months out from being able to publicly announce and then support the launch of a new community fund in Kingston!
By Hélène Lesterlin
I saw the future at the Cityscapes Summit, or at least, the future I hope to see in my lifetime: where equity is built into our economic systems from the ground up...