The cooler winds and fallen leaves herald the coming of our national day of thanksgiving. At GWI, there’s much we are thankful for every day: the gorgeous, generous earth below us serving as our shared home, the abundance of well-tended and harvested foods from our regional farmers, the many acts of creativity expressed by those who call themselves artists and those who don’t, and the wide array of good work done by all of you and others throughout the Valley and larger world. We are grateful for you.
Community News and Events

Fellows Reunion Potluck
Please join us on Thursday, November 29th at the Vassar Barns in Poughkeepsie for a potluck dinner. We’re feeling the love, and want to see old friends and welcome the newest fellows! For more information, visit our Event Page, and please be sure to RSVP so that we have a good headcount! And don’t forget to sign up to bring a dish! We’re REALLY looking forward to catching up and enjoying some fellowship with the fellowship!
Fellows Support Fellows on Radio Kingston

We just love it when Fellows collaborate and share their good work, so we were thrilled to hear about HV2 Fellows Shawn Berry and Mariel Fiori joining forces on Mariel’s Radio Kingston show La Voz to discuss Shawn’s Next Economy MBAprogram. Listen to their conversation and check out La Voz weekdays at 10am!
Vital Corps Podcast with Fellow Megan Offner

In more Fellow collaboration news, HV5 Fellow Kara Snyder interviewed HV2 Fellow, Megan Offner on her podcast, Le Vital Corps Salon. Tune in to hear about the work Megan is doing at New York Heartwoods and her philosophy on doing good work and being resourceful. You can also download Le Vital Corps Salon and learn more about Kara on her website. Love hearing about all your Good Work!
Spring 2019 Fellowship Application Deadline

The deadline to apply for the Spring 2019 fellowship is this Sunday, November 18th. If there is anyone you want to encourage to apply, please share the application with them and let them know there are only a few days remaining. Thanks!
Greenhouse: We Welcome Your Input!

As Stephen Sondheim would say, “Bit by bit…putting it together…” Check out this recent picture of the Greenhouse; insulation, walls down…it’s happening, and we are so excited about the hub this will be for us all. If you’re interested in seeing the space, contact [email protected]. Please complete this survey to help us make this space useful to you and of service to your good work. |