On Friday, June 9th, in Poughkeepsie at the Vassar Barns, we spent an amazing day exploring Just Transition in Action with a group of 23 participants. From hands-on activities that gave us a taste of what cooperation and competition feel like to crafting stories of regenerative futures, it was energizing to retreat from our regular day-to-day lives to connect and learn in an inspiring community of co-learners.
At the end of the day, people shared things they really liked about the experience by writing on post-its. We wanted to share a few of these short appreciations: “the simple, fun, collaborative learning…the mix of experiential activities – cooperative art activity, musical chairs, poster-making…creative imagination and chance to work and talk together…the time/space held for conversations and building connections…(and last but not least) the food!”
We were inspired when we read other post-its that conveyed things that people had learned: “a deeper understanding of extraction and regeneration… a clearer definition of Just Transition… a lot about myself and the community around me… how to listen more deeply… that I need to practice collaboration more… that there is hunger for change and thoughtful people who are ready to bring it about… that there are others who want to align and bring about real change in this extractive society… that I am not alone… that there are always possibilities… that I can start now.”
And here are a few photos from the day. We look forward to bringing Just Transition in Action back again soon!