Why Shared Leadership:
A two-hour workshop that defines leadership, power, and some models for sharing leadership and explores two frameworks for why we...
We believe Just Transition will be realized through the efforts of individuals who have committed to being on a lifelong journey of learning and action.
We create learning experiences that allow us to collectively deepen our understanding of why our extractive economy is untenable, co-create visions for what else is possible, and hone skills that enable us to move towards building regenerative communities.
Connecting, energizing, and interactive explorations of the Just Transition framework, including an overview of principles and practices, centered on the question: What will it take to build systems centered on care for each other and our shared home?
Most of us spend most of our time working. Our workplaces and collaborations can be laboratories for creating conditions for Just Transition.
Good Work Institute offers skills and tools aligned with deeply democratic ways of working together that we can all learn and practice: shared leadership and distributed power, conflict resilience, undoing domination, and consciously working towards social equity and racial justice. When activated, these overlapping priorities result in a profound shift.
Wellbeing for people and the planet entails learning ways of working with – and not against – one another. We call this deep democracy: creating conditions for a wider variety of voices to be heard and for true collaboration to emerge as the norm.
At GWI, we practice deep democracy, and we actively train, facilitate and coach those who are hungry for more generative and equitable ways of working together.
As we shift to more democratic and cooperative ways of working together, we’ll also need to develop our conflict resilience. We’re bound to encounter differences and tension in our efforts to share power and decision-making. If we can also share skills and tools to navigate these, we can tap into the generative potential of conflict and work through shared dilemmas together. Open to individuals, working groups, organizations and cooperatives, this workshop is offered as an eight-session online series.
In our commitment to sharing power equitably, there are legacies of unequal power that we can’t ignore. Practicing social equity at work means explicitly developing our awareness of power, privilege and difference , and aligning our awareness with action. We learn to turn away from domination and toward partnership in our communication and relationships. We practice skills and tools aligned with sharing power.
Building on our experiences delivering curriculum to six cohorts of Fellows, we facilitate various programs, from shorter foundational workshops focused on concepts and tools, to longer, experiential offerings that combine cohort-based learning with practice. A partial list of offerings:
to learn more about the options for tailored workshops for your group or organization.
These times call for collective action. Your gift is the solid ground that allows us to support and cultivate Good Work: that is, people and initiatives that are rejecting systems of oppression and extraction, and building regenerative economies and thriving communities.