Kevin Irby (Kirby) is a Texas native currently living in New York City. Kirby is an Investment Associate at Armonia LLC, a private equity and venture capital firm focused on scaling environmental restoration efforts through regenerative agriculture. Prior to Armonia, he worked with C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc., the largest wholesale grocery supply company in the U.S., where he gained experience as a supply chain strategist in the food system. He is also an active conservation biologist and previously worked with The Nature Conservancy on Martha’s Vineyard. Before his environmental career, Kirby worked in contemporary art and translation in France, and as a photographer in Spain. Kirby received his BA in Conservation Biology from Middleburg College in Vermont, with additional coursework at Sciences Po Bordeaux, after attending The United World College of the Atlantic in St. Donat’s, Wales. He enjoys trail running, hiking, yoga and meditation, reading, analogue photography, and irony.