Hosted by: Aja Schmeltz

On this episode of the Good Work Hour, Aja is joined by Onaje Benjamin. Onaje shares his fascinating and inspiring life journey. His experiences have reshaped the lens that he uses to view the world both with the naked eye and from behind a camera lens.

In this current chapter of Onaje’s life, he is fully focused on his artistry, photography and custom picture framing at Ujamaa Studio. His photography reflects his passion for social justice and activism. The images capture urban settings and the cultural and artistic tensions which evolve in these rapidly changing environments. His work ranges from images of street taggers and muralist, to portraits of folks on the street and the structural and architectural evolution which symbolizes gentrification and the uprooting of disenfranchised communities.

His work is currently on display at the GWI Greenhouse (65 St. James Street, Kingston) as part of the Soul Reflections Artist Collective’s new exhibition titled “Kingston: People, Places & Things”. The opening reception will be Saturday, October 21 from 1 – 6pm.

About Ujamaa Studio:

Ujamaa is a Swahili term for cooperative economics and familyhood. Ujamaa Studio’s mission is to support the work of historically disenfranchised artist; especially those impacted by America’s system of mass incarceration. The studio promotes the work of its owner, photographer and archival custom picture framer Onaje Benjamin, and seeks partnerships and projects to promote individuals and organizations which support social justice and the arts.