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Lorry Salluzzi (2160 × 1080 px)
Reiki Master & Teacher Certification
6:00-9:00 PM
GWI Greenhouse: 65 St. James St., Kingston NY

Monday, 1/22: 6-9pm

Monday, 1/29: 6-9pm

Monday, 2/5: 6-9pm

Monday, 2/12: 6-9pm

Reiki Master & Teacher Certification

Reiki Master Lorry Salluzzi will be offering a Reiki Master & Teacher Certification course this winter at the GWI Greenhouse.

The Reiki Master & Teacher Certification course includes 12 hours of training , (4) 3-hour sessions Monday evenings from 6-9 PM beginning January 22. The prerequisite for this course is Advanced Reiki Certification.

Please visit or text/call 516-708-5213 for more information about this Reiki Master series.


Lorry Salluzzi has been helping those who are seeking spiritual awakening, guidance, and healing through Reiki sessions, Reiki training,  psychic clairvoyance, and tarot reading. During her own personal journey through surviving Lupus, Lorry gained firsthand insight into the power of spiritual healing and the call to help others. At the time of her diagnosis, her prognosis was grim. Although medications saved her life during the initial phases of her disease, her symptoms were not improving, and she was not achieving remission. Through Reiki and the practice of guided imagery meditation, Lorry ultimately was able to achieve a full remission and has remained symptom free. 

Because more and more practitioners are linking stress with illness, several allopathic and holistic practitioners work with Lorry to help their patients through Reiki healing sessions and meditation. Collaboratively, they have helped people facing health challenges such as cancer, depression, pain, migraine, lupus, chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barr, and the like. 

Through her Reiki healings, meditation, and Reiki workshops, Lorry has helped thousands of people achieve optimal spiritual well-being and health. She has shared her expansive knowledge by teaching and certifying national and international Reiki students who themselves are now able to help others heal.


The fee for this course is $600 on a "pay as you may" schedule. You may take as long as you need to pay the total amount due. If you have attended one of Lorry's Reiki Master Workshops in the past, you may attend each week for a $25 donation. Please reach out to Lorry directly for more details: or 516-708-5213

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