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"Health is Wealth" Pop-up Clinic
May 14, 2022
718 Broadway Back Parking Lot
"Health is Wealth" Pop-up Clinic

What does it mean to be “in good health”? When we reflect on that question, oftentimes the immediate answer is along the lines of the absence of disease. But being in good health is the complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being of an individual. To that end, the Good Work Institute is partnering with the Holistic Health Community to provide a “Health is Wealth” pop-up clinic at the Rooted Resources Festival. There will be a range of different modalities featured, from herbal health consultations to Shamanic Reiki Healing.


Holistic Health Community : Holistic Healthcare to the People!

For the past 10 years, Holistic Health Community (HHC) has offered free Community Holistic Healthcare Days in Stone Ridge, NY, where holistic practitioners and community members volunteer their services. In 2021,  HHC launched the "Holistic Health to the People!" initiative, bringing its healthcare sessions, workshops and programming to the City of Kingston and beyond, furthering its mission to make holistic healthcare accessible to all. HHC partners and collaborates with organizations that support the well-being of our local communities.

"Health is Wealth" Pop-up Clinic free offerings:

Herbal Health Consultations by AnnMarie Tedeschi 

AnnMarie Tedeschi has had a life-long affinity to nourish and support the people around her. She became certified as an herbalist in 2009 by Jane Bothwell at the Dandelion School of Herbal Studies in California. She has also completed Rosemary Gladstar’s home study Course in 2009 and studied Clinical Herbalism with Kristen Avonti in Massachusetts in 2014. She also completed the Weekend Herbalism Program with 7-Song at the Northeast School of Botanical Medicine in November 2017. AnnMarie offers herbal health consultations, a variety of workshops, custom remedies and has a local line of products called Infinite Roots.

Shamanic Reiki Healing Sessions by Alannah Henneberry 

Alannah is the Director of Outreach for Holistic Health Community and also serves as a practitioner. She is an energy worker and certified Shamanic Reiki Healing Master and has studied a variety of healing modalities including but not limited to shamanic bee-tending, trance healing and mediumship, plant medicine, Chaldean numerology, and ancestral trauma healing. She uses earth-based healing energy and refers to ancient European ancestral traditions to guide her work. Alannah is a peer-reviewed published scientist and has a BS in Biology from Marist College, with a minor in Public Praxis (a study of global awareness, solidarity with those subject to injustice, and public work with a view toward a more just and humane world). Additionally, she holds an internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC). Her passion is growing and making medicine, tending to her bees and animals on her woodland homestead and running the New Paltz Open Air Market. Alannah has 20 years of experience working with and advocating for underserved communities, both locally and globally. She has worked on various projects advocating for healthcare and setting up free-clinics and programs for communities in developing countries. More recently she has joined the mission to help advance the Holistic Health Community's “Holistic Healthcare to the People!” initiative, aiming to make holistic healthcare accessible to local communities.

Ortho-Bionomy Sessions by Samuel Claiborne 

Samuel Claiborne has been a medical intuitive and energy healer since he was a child. Since 2009 he has been an associate in Ortho-Bionomy, a fantastic, gentle, incredibly effective healing modality. Ortho-Bionomy is a gentle, non-invasive system of healing that engages in a non-protocol driven conversation between the proprioceptive nervous systems and bio-energetic fields of the practitioner and client. This modality has wide applications from structural issues to physical and emotional trauma resolution, to energetic and distance work on every aspect of the client from their bioenergetic field to their internal organs. An Ortho-Bionomy session is often subtle and nuanced in application, but often results in dramatic relief/resolution of physical and emotional pain and dysfunction. Samuel has also developed two other modalities: the AuraLuminance Technique and Shamanic Psychology. Together, these three modalities have allowed him to co-create healing with client's physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. He brings both sides of the brain, the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and empathy and gentleness to all of his work.

Family Constellations Sessions by Jadina Lilien

Jadina Lilien is a Creative Coach  who also leads workshops in Ancestral Family Constellations in person and online. Her training began at  New York University in the Creative Arts. Her studies connected to Family Constellations includes the Bert Hellinger Institute USA and continued with other trainers in the Systemic Field in Europe. Her coaching is influenced by her studies in the International Focusing Process, a technique taught by Gene Gendlin, and the original thought lived by Indigenous Peoples connected to the sacred intelligence of the earth. Involved in all of her work is the understanding of the creative process and how this can be applied not only to projects, but to life. Her work with teacher Llewelyn Vaughan-Lee includes teachings on meditation, dreams and the shadow and symbolic work of Active Imagination (Karl Jung). Jadina’s MFA was focused on the wounded child and creativity. Where the inner and the outer worlds meet has a profound relationship to life. Jadina works with artists, entrepreneurs, small businesses and other people who want to live the potential of a human being connecting this possibility to reality.

Astrological Tarot Readings by Pete Crotty 

Pete Crotty is a licensed Creative Art Therapist specializing in music (25 years), tarot reader (30 years), astrologer (22 years), author and certified reiki healer.  After years of studying with various practitioners, studying everyone's astrological chart around him, and being a licensed therapist working with many populations, Pete has created his own style that has been helpful, healing and inspiring to the people he has worked with. “With my knowledge of astrology and tarot, my intuitive gifts, and my history of being a licensed music therapist, I’m able to offer my clients some helpful tools to put in their toolbox so they can help guide and empower themselves to make the best out of their lives.”



Inherited Trauma Clearings with Sarah Carlson

Utilizing CHILL (Chumpi Illumination Healing), Sarah will offer reflective energetic clearings in which participants uncover sources of inherited trauma or conditioning in order to remove blockages to their well-being.  Sarah Carlson is health coach and energy worker. She went on a profound journey to heal from breast cancer. She utilizes detoxification, functional nutrition, supplements, lifestyle, and mind-body approaches to assist clients in healing from imbalance, and regaining a sense of vitality and wellness. She has a focus on working with Lyme, cancer, women's health, thyroid imbalance, and digestive challenges. She is also an energy worker in the modality of CHILL which utilizes applied kinesiology and the wisdom of the Andes to tap into the body's own wisdom and remove blockages to healing. She offers both these left and right-brained approaches to provide effective support that is sourced from the client's bodily wisdom.

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