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Día de descubrimiento de coches solares en familia
November 9, 2024
Invernadero GWI: 65 St James Street, Kingston, NY
Día de descubrimiento de coches solares en familia

The Climate Smart Kingston Commission and New Yorkers for Clean Power present: Solar Car Discovery Day! This family fun event is happening Saturday, November 9th from 10am-1:30pm. Kids ages 7-14  along with their parents can build a solar car that they can take home and learn about solar energy (the sun’s power and how we use sunlight to power our lives). We will also have a Solar Bead Bracelet craft (the beads are translucent and change color in the sun) and solar coloring books. A Cyanotypes (solar photo paper) craft will be available weather-dependent. Parents can join their children for the project or they can enjoy coffee and conversation with local green energy experts and advisors. Click the link below for more information and to register.

Apoya a GWI

Estos tiempos exigen una acción colectiva. Su donación es la base sólida que nos permite apoyar y cultivar el Buen Trabajo: es decir, personas e iniciativas que rechazan los sistemas de opresión y extracción, y construyen economías regenerativas y comunidades prósperas.